Saturday, October 07, 2006

On the way

OK, here goes. It would be a little remiss of me to not post from the flight over, so here I am. I'm currently pretty much mid-way over the Atlantic, in the lull between films when they show Creature Comforts. I'm hungover, excited, nervous, knackered and daunted all at the same time - it turns out moving to another continent is quite stressful business.

The last couple of weeks have been pretty hard going - I seem to have had endless leaving parties and drinks, and said goodbye to so many friends. What with all the logistics as well, and the fact that I couldn't really organise anything American (as without a social security number and bank account Im' effectively a non-person), it's been very frustrating. Over the next couple of weeks I have to sort out all sorts of things and it all feels a little overwhelming, particularly since I have an enourmous amount going on at work at the moment. For example, this week I'm going to be spending 3 days in Sanf Francisco and one in Charlotte - not exactly ideal for getting settled in and sorting out my life!

But I should stop grumbling - it's probably just the headache talking. This is a very exciting time for me, a fantastic opportunity I've been angilng for for the last year or so and I can't wait to get started. How will I fare trying to start a whole new life in a new country? Will I like America or end up coming back in a year gagging for pint of proper beer and a cricket match? Will I find all my time swallowed up by work, flying around the country in and out of hotels like I'm auditioning for Fight Club? How much am I going to miss London and my friends there?

On the last question, I think quite a bit (London that is). The monosyllabic driver of the cab I took to Heathrow this afternoon unwittingly took me on a tour of some of my favourite places in London. It was an utterly gorgeous autumn day, and we meandered through north London - past the places I've lived in Highbury and through to Camden, round Regents Park (looking absolutely gorgeous), down Marylebone High Street with the yummy retaurants and poncy shops. London is still, I think, the greatest city I know - I only really know western cities, but Paris is too one-dimensional and New York just doesn't quite do it for me (yet). Maybe Barcelona is in the running, I don't know. I feel ready for a change though - I've lived there for 6 years now, and while I should think I'll go back I don't mind a change at all.

So here goes. Watch this space...

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