Sunday, January 14, 2007

Checking in from south of the Mason-Dixon line...

Hi everyone. Sorry it's been a little while since I posted - it seemed a little silly to write a "Blog from America" when I was home for Christmas, and since then it's been all go. I'm in Charlotte, North Carolina at the moment, and I'll probably be here for a few weeks working on a hefty project we've got going with a company here. Y'all can therefore expect plenty of tales of fried chicken, grits and southern belles (hopefully!). And me saying "y'all" wherever I can...

Here's a little pic of the Charlotte skyline. The collection of skyscrapers is what passes for a city centre, but it's pretty much like the City in London - a hive of office workers during the weekdays and utterly dead at the weekends.

My flat is just outside uptown Charlotte, in a bit of a no man's land. I'm going to have to get a car at some point to do any kind of exploring. From my limited frame of reference, it also seems to be the seedy end of town. On my walk back from walk I pass the Uptown Cabaret, a windowless building with limos and leery men hovering around outside. Next door is one of those seedy two-storey motels you see in American movies, boasting "Romantic Themed Suites" and heart-shaped jacuzzis. Coincidence? I think not. A classy end of the world indeed.

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