Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday Night Ramble

Okay, I don't have anything in particular to go on about tonight but I'll have a bit of a ramble anyway. It's been a week of transatlantic tennis - I was in London at the beginning of the week, Boston (finally!) at the end, and now I'm back in Charlotte for the next few weeks.

London was great. Mostly work-oriented, but I managed to have a proper Sunday lunch with friends, go to the Snooty Fox, and catch up properly with workmates in a way I couldn't really at Christmas because everyone was all over the place. I was in the office for three days, and each night involved some boozy chew-the-fat action, which was great.

It was a real relief to get back to Boston. Having spent so little time there since Christmas, the whole "build a life in Boston" thing has pretty much gone out of the window. I've not been in contact with a few of the people I was hanging out with in my first couple of months, though I'm not too bothered as some of them (to be quite honest) weren't particularly interesting anyway. There is one person who I still see every time I'm in town though, one of the girls from the original speed-dating. I keep waiting for her to invite me to some sort of wider social gathering so that I can meet some of her friends, who would hopefully be as cool as her. Doesn't seem to be forthcoming though.

So Boston is kind of on hold for now. My fridge is utterly devoid of food and most of my clothes are here in Charlotte. Things are kind of in a holding pattern while I wait for us to set-up a proper office and a couple of people to join me, which will probably be in March sometime. It'll be cool to have someone to go and have a stress-free pint with without having to get on a plane to London! It was cool to be there for a couple of days and experience a bit of the Boston winter though. The Charles river was actually frozen over - quite a sight! It snowed pretty heavily on Friday night, and the next morning the walk to the shops was utterly treacherous. A walk that usually takes 10 minutes took about 20, since I had to tiptoe on the ice all the way to keep me from making a spectacle of myself. The streets were pretty deserted - clearly people tend to hibernate when conditions become so unconducive to sauntering down the street.

So, back to Charlotte, and someone I'm working with here has fixed up a lunch for me tomorrow with some of her friends who she seems to think will be my kind of people. We shall see, but it'd be cool to have some people to hang out with here.

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